Basic Measurement Concepts

Measuring and operating conditions for transmitter

We use the term transmitter or instrument for equipment that converts a measurement variable into a measurement signal. Transmitters can be divided into two concepts:

  1. Concepts related to signal and measurement range
  2. Concepts related to accuracy

1. Concepts related to signal and measurement range

Here's a description of several basic concepts you should know. A diagram illustrating these concepts follows below.

shows a diagram with the basic concept to know with transmitter measurement
Measurement terms and their relationships

Practical Example 1:

Practical Example 2:

Let me illustrate this with another practical example: Consider a pressure transmitter with physical limits (LRL to URL) of -100 to +400 PSI. It might be configured with an LRV of 0 PSI and URV of 200 PSI, giving a span of 200 PSI. The ZERO point could be set to atmosphere pressure (14.7 PSI). If the pressure rises above 200 PSI (URV), but stays below 400 PSI (URL), the transmitter is in overrange condition. The overrange limit might be set at 300 PSI to protect the instrument.

2. Concepts related to accuracy

More to come soon. Work under progress.